Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Sarah, Greta, Scientology -Pt 2: Greta Doth Protest too Much

: Geoffrey Dunn. There are some serious journalistic conflicts of interest taking place here, and Van Susteren is either being duplicitous or disingenuous to characterize them as "silly."

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Obama Signs Wilderness Bill

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama signed legislation Monday setting aside more than 2 million acres in nine states as protected wilderness.Obama called the new law among the most important in decades "to protect, preserve and pass down our nation's most treasured landscapes to future generations."

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If Everyone Cared by Nickelback with Lyrics

I just love this song.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Potato Soup

Just made the best potato soup I ever made using a new (for me!) cookbook-- "The Dunkard-Dutch Cook Book: Nearly Five Hundred Turn of the Century Pennsylvania Dutch Dishes" copyright 1965. I'm typing the original recipe with my own changes/additions in parenthesis:

Potato Soup
  Fry 7 or 8 potatoes and a small sliced onion (I used onion powder and added celery salt and pepper) in a sauce pan in some butter or drippings (I used butter and bacon grease) or stock-pot fat is most excellent for this purpose. When they are a little colored, put them in 2 or 3 pints of hot water (plus 1 cup of chicken stock), add also a large heaping tablespoonful of chopped parsley (and pepper, salt, paprika, a dash more onion powder, and garlic powder). Let it boil until the potatoes are quite soft. Put all through the colander (but I didn't smoosh all of the potatoes). Return the puree to the fire and let it simmer 2 or 3 minutes, add plenty of salt and pepper (already did), add the beaten yolks of 2 or 3 eggs (I skipped the eggs and added 1 can of drained white corn instead. I also melted 1 tablespoon of butter in the saucepan I fried the potatoes in and added 2 tablespoons of flour and a cup of broth; when that was smooth I added it to the soup). Do not let the soup boil when the eggs are in as they would curdle.

I'll probably try to use the eggs at some point, but my daughter wanted corn in it and I don't like to mix eggs and corn. Enjoy!

Obama's Marijuana Mistake - Harvard Professor & Ron Paul

3/26/2009 Obama ignores the People and liberty by ignoring the negative externalities of prohibition.

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Obama's Organic WH Garden Puts BigAg's Panties in a Twist

In the aftermath of breaking ground on the new, 1100 sq. ft. WH garden, Michelle Obama named chef Sam Kass to head the WH Food Initiative. And we know how Kass feels about food. All of this positive PR for organics feels very threatening to Big Ag. So one group, the Mid America CropLife Association, has sent an email defending chemical ag ...

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Shampoo in water triggers growth of drug-resistant bacteria

Fabric softeners, disinfectants, shampoos and other household products are spreading drug-resistant bacteria around Britain, scientists have warned. Detergents used in factories and mills are also increasing the odds that some medicines will no longer be able to combat dangerous diseases.

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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Make Your Own Cardboard Furniture

The Ponoko blog has a good roundup of incredible cardboard furniture, much of it from a collective of cardboard furniture makers in France known as Les Cartonnistes. Some of the work of Les Cartonnistes is quite extraordinary, one would never recognize it as cardboard. Ponoko also points us to an instructables, where Eric Guiomar teaches how you ca

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