Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It Boggles the Mind

It boggles the mind:

We can support over 700 military bases in countries we have no business being in, but not health care.

We can send millions and billions of dollars to other countries to help them out, but we resent helping our own.

We can fund a war but not a proper educational system.

We can go from having a surplus to a tremendous deficit in less than 10 years.

Only 5% of the American population control 90% of the countries wealth, but they resent not being able to have it all.

We can export our jobs yet call people lazy for not having one.

We have a number of people who are suppose to be working for the good of the people of the country but are only looking out for corporate interests and their own.

We gave corporations legal status and power as individuals without also giving them legal responsibilities toward the communities and societies within which they operate and toward their employees.

Why is anyone having to go without medical care in the United States in this day and age?

We can fund war and death but not life?

There's something seriously wrong here.

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